Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 2 - 2.mitotic and meiotic cell division 2.1 describe with the aid of diagrams the processes involved in mitotic cell division

2.1 describe with the aid of diagrams the processes involved in mitotic cell division

diagram of process of mitotic division

Stages of mitosis

Interphase - replication, respiration, protein synthesis


Prophase - chromatin condenses to form chromosomes
                - each chromosome has two sister chromatids                           attached to each other at a centromere 
                - centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell and                     nuclear envelope breaks into small pieces


Metaphase - chromosome arrange themselves in middle of                         the equator

                   - DNA forming centromere replicate


Anaphase - sister chromatids pulled apart then pulled to                             opposite poles


Telophase - chromatin appears because chromosome uncoil

                  - nuclear envelope reappears

Cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides