Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 2 - 5.variation and natural selection 5.6 explain how environmental factors act as forces of natural selection

5.6 explain how environmental factors act as forces of natural selection

Biotic Factors - caused by other living organismns. Examples are preditation, competition for food and infection by pathogen

Abiotic factors - caused by non living component of

environment. Examples are water supply and nutrient levels


Industrial melanism

In polluted areas, deposits of soot make tree bark darker. Melanic moths were better able to camouflage than pale ones. Melanic moths were more likely to survive, reproduce and pass on alleles

As air pollution decreased the advantage swung back in favour of pale form of moth again


Antibiotics inhibit or kill bacteria

Penicillin prevent cell wall formation in bacteria so that will kill entire population of bacteria. But some become resistant to penicillin. Some bacteria produce an enzyme, penicillinase which inactivates penicillin.

So bacteria with penicillinase are not killed. They can survive and reproduce