Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 1 - 2.cell structure 2.3 outline the functions of the membrane systems and the organelles

2.3 outline the functions of the membrane systems and the organelles

Functions of cell

  • store and receive genetic information
  • produce biological molecules
  • excrete genetic information

Functions of organelles

Cell membrane - retain cell contents and control exchange of substances

Centrioles - assemble spindle when nucleus divides to move chromosomes

Chloroplasts - site of reactions of photosynthesis

Golgi body - modifies and packages protein; makes secretory vesicles and lysosomes

Lysosomes - enzymes destroy old parts of cell and digest food particles and beacteria

Mitochondria(pl) - site of aerobic respiration

Nuclear envelope - allows movement between cytoplasm and nucleus

Nucleolus - produces ribosomes

Nucleus - contains store of genetic information

Ribosomes - assemble amino acids to make proteins

Rough endoplasmic reticulum - transport proteins to golgi body

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - makes cholestrols, triglycerides and phospholipids