Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 2 - 5.variation and natural selection 5.1 explain why sexually produced organisms vary in characteristics

5.1 explain why sexually produced organisms vary in characteristics

sexually produced organisms vary in characteristics because meiosis which produces gametes fuse to give a sexually produced offspring.

Meiosis causes variation through :-

  • crossing over - homologous chromosome                                                    pair along their length gene                                               by gene.                                                                            - Breaks occur along the chromosomes and they rejoin trading some of their genes
NB crossing over in prophase I


  • Independent assortment - chromosomes randomly move to separate poles during meiosis I.                                                                            -  Each gamete will have different combination of chromosomes and contain a mixture from both father and mother


  • Segregation of sister chromatids in Anaphase - often one chromatid is a mixture of paternal and maternal DNA while other chromatid is not


  • Random fertilization - each gamate contains a different set of DNA.                                                                                                         - any male gamete will fuse with any female gamete so each offspring will be genetically different which cause variation