Jul 8, 2015

iology Module 2 - 5.variation and natural selection 5.10 explain the process speciation

5.10 explain the process speciation

Speciation is the production of a new species.

Allopatric speciation is when population of a species are physically separated and are in two different geographic locations.

So population separated geographically produces new traits to adapt to the environment so organism change so much they become different species and can not reproduce.


Sympatric speciation is the formation of a new species without geographical change. There usually an abrupt change in the species so organisms are not able to interbreed. This occurs when two or populations are in the same geographical area.


Isolation mechanisms are methods that prevent individuals from different species breeding with each other. Isolation mechanisms are :-

  • geographical - features such as lakes, mountains and forests separate populations so they never meet or rarely meet

  • reproductive - courtship rituals differ between species so males and females do not respond to signals and mate

  • temporal - also called seasonal. Breeding occurs at different times of the year for different species

  • mechanical - structural differences mean that sex organs of males and females of different species are incompatible