Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 1 - 3.membrane structure and function 3.1 explain the fluid mosaic model of the membrane structure

3.1 explain the fluid mosaic model of the membrane structure

Cell surface membrane is called the fluid mosaic structure because molecules are in constant motion which makes the structure fluid and when viewed from above the pattern of protein molecules look mosaic 

Diagram of phospholipid bilayer  

Phospholipid - forms bilayer with hydrophilic head projecting outwards and hydrophobic tails projecting inwards

extrinsic/peripheral protein - do not penetrate bilayer and act as carrier proteins

intrinsic/integral protein - lie within bilayer and act as channel proteins

cholesterol - maintains fluidity so prevents bilayer from being to fluid in hot temperatures and too solid in cold temperatures

glycoprotein - short chain pf sugar molecules attached to proteins and act as receptors for hormone and recognition sites for anti bodies 

glycolipid - short chain of sugar molecules attached to phospholipid and act as receptors for hormones and recognition site for anti bodies