Jul 8, 2015

Biology Module 1 - 1.aspects of biochemistry 1.2 explain the relationship between the structure and function of glucose

1.2 explain the relationship between the structure and function of glucose

structure of glucose - glucose exists as two ring structures and a straight chain

                     source                                      source                                             source

Glucose is a aldehyde hexose sugar. the ring structures of

glucose are more stable and exists as ring structures when dissolved in water. The straight chain or open chain of glucose exists as the powdered form of glucose.        


Function of glucose - glucose is a polar molecule and therefore soluble. This makes it readily taken up by cells and easily metabolised

the functions of glucose 

  • to provide a source of energy for respiration
  • to form a polysaccharide for energy storage
  • used as raw material to make other compounds
  • it is the form of carbohydrates that is transported in animal blood